About Us

Strategic 4 areas of activity (tasks) of the Association for the Evolution of Medicine

Innovative technologies and prevention

Implementation of medical innovations for effective prevention, diagnosis and treatment, by organizing cooperation between doctors, manufacturers, distributors of medical equipment and medicines.

Innovative technologies and prevention

Social responsibility and environmental solutions.

Promotion of a healthy lifestyle and protection of the environment. Dissemination of the latest technologies for environmental protection, transformation of household waste into alternative sources of energy.

Social responsibility and environmental solutions.

Development of modern medical education and science.

Coordination of scientific, educational and professional activities of medical market participants. Improving ethical standards, implementing educational and informational campaigns.

Development of modern medical education and science.

Legislative initiatives and collaboration.

Cooperation with state authorities and local self-governments on issues of improving current legislation and digitalization of the health care system.

Legislative initiatives and collaboration.


Improving the quality of human life through improving health care in Ukraine and the world.

Our Values

Improving the quality of life

We work for people's health, so that everyone can fully enjoy every moment of life.

Openness to cooperation

We strive to unite everyone who cares to create a society of healthy and happy people.


We stand for the availability of medicine for all people on the planet, regardless of race, nationality, religion, and financial means, for an individual approach to the health of each patient.


Our team implements only proven innovative treatment methods and certified equipment; we are guided in our work by the principles of evidence-based medicine

Membership benefits

We strive to be as useful as possible for society as a whole, and for this, first of all, to help the members of the association in fulfilling their tasks to improve the health of each person, to make your work the most productive, to ensure the convenience of cooperation in our association, because the work of each of us depends on development of healthy humanity as a whole.

Free legal support

Special conditions for participation in AEM events in Ukraine

Special conditions for PR and advertising within the framework of AEM events

Special conditions for participation in international AEM projects

Reduced cost of advertising on partners' sites

Participation in valuable prize draws at AEM events

How to join the association?


Fill out the application


Consideration of the application

Your application will be considered within 15 days, after which you will receive a notification by e-mail about the decision on acceptance into the Association. Also, in case of a positive decision, you will receive a notification about the need to pay the annual membership fee.


Payment of membership fees

After receiving the notice of joining the Association, you will need to pay membership fees. The amount of membership fees is approved annually at the General Meeting of the Association’s members.



The certificate of membership in the Association is solemnly presented to the member of the Association at the General Meeting of the Members of the Association, or, if desired, it can be sent by mail.


If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact us and we will definitely help you

Contact us

+380 99 440 60 60

Office address

12, Anton Tsedik St., Kyiv, Ukraine


Methodology for assessing the acquired knowledge, competences and practical skills of healthcare professionals

Regulations on the evaluation of continuing professional development activities for academic integrity and compliance with the principles of evidence-based medicine

Regulation on Prevention of Conflict of Interest during Continuing Professional Development Activities and Prevention of Attraction and Use of Funds of Individuals (Legal Entities) for Advertising of Medicines, Medical Devices or Medical Services